Friday, May 30, 2014


This morning ABOUT 6:45, as I casually strolled back to the kitchen (from my computer room) with my empty cereal bowl in hand, I couldn’t believe my eyes… a young black bear eating the Finch Food right out of the feeder, about 15 feet from my face - fortunately outside. When it’s mother immediately but slowly waddled into the frame of my kitchen window view,  I grabbed my iphone camera, carefully woke Don up and whispered softly in his ear… “two bears in the back yard - get the gun” - quietly, softly and bleary eyed he obeyed.  The adrenaline rushed for the next 20 minutes as I shot over 45 photos and Don did his own kind of shooting… with a harmless shotgun - trying not to hit the car, the truck, or the propane tank!!!  The rest of the story accompanies the photos… although the funniest thing was probably Don in his undershorts and me in my nightgown, sneaking around the house and yard.  No photos, we were both busy!!!   Bear photos taken out the window, less than 12 feet from the back door.

FYI, California is home to about 40% of the Black Bears in North America and a majority of those live along the north/south mountain range near the Nevada border.  At its normal pace black bears waddle slowly and casually. When in danger or hunting for prey they have the ability to burst into running mode with speeds up to 25 to 30mph. They can run only for short distances (whatever “short” means).

YUMMMMMY... Thistle seeds are really good.

Is that you MOM?  Is this the place you showed me
a few days ago?

Good Girl, you found it again.  (Now imagine this 250+
pound bear meanders through these small spaces
without touching a thing!!)

Sniff, Sniff... nothing here this time!!!

Even though you're sitting down on the job you did good
investigative work.

Thanks MOM...

How about sharing?

Wait... do you hear something ?  (shutter on my camera - I'm
only 12 feet away - didn't even have to zoom in).

I do!!!  (Cub then wander's off- smelling the flowers
as she leaves.)

Mmmmm I forgot how good this is and easy to get.

Can I have some more MOM?

Not now, it's my turn.  (Did you notice the cub was right pawed
and the MOM left pawed?)

OK, lets see if we can find something more substantial...

OH BOY, Dave's bread, corn on the cob and even a beer
for a thirsty bear!!!

Don sneaks up to the end of the sidewalk (near the flag)
and fires thru this small opening between the trees.
 (Photo from where the bear was standing earlier eating garbage.)

Can't tell which end the chewed bread came out at the sound
of a very loud blast!!!

But this is what 25 mph starting skid marks look like!!!

Don and I sat down inside to look at
the photos on my computer and within a few minutes
MOM is back... this time out front.  Looking right,

looking left,
meandering past the  jet skis - under the blue tarp, 

and down the drive way to the right (easier than going thru the brush).

As we surveyed the yard, we both chuckled at the large
black bear "prints" that decorate our front walk...
Must remember to keep our eyes pealed as we
roam the wide open spaces of our yard!!!


  1. Wow, what excitement! I love the brown phase to the black bears. They are really healthy looking. One of the pictures looked like the mother bear had her mouth around the thistle feeder. It's a wonder she didn't chew through it to get to the remaining seed. I wonder if you will have to call the authorities to relocate them now that they have found your garbage can?

  2. Great pictures, as usual, Nancy. What a treat to be able to watch them up close, during the day. Hope they don't become pests. Your yard is beautiful!

  3. Fun photos and story, Nancy! Probably a little more excitement than you wanted before 7 in the morning in your 'night shirts'. ha ha ha I agree with Doug, this may be a summer saga.
