Friday, March 29, 2013

As March ended...

Pickleball, geocaching, lots of yard work and hiking continued to fill our days.  To get back in the swing of Sierra Foothill hiking, I joined my group on a partly cloudy 60 degree Tuesday as we took a leisurely 5 mile hike on many of the 10 miles worth of trails at the Weimar Institute  We discovered some new flowers/plants along Coyote Creek, sat on the bridge and hung our legs over like schoolgirls as we enjoyed our snack to the sounds of the rushing water.   We  were more cautious as we hiked “Bobcat Run”, “Cougar Trail” “Cardiac Bypass” and “Owls Roost”.   A stop at the Cemetery spurred our curiosity - so I did a little research “The Weimar Cemetery was originally a part of the Weimar Joint Sanatorium, administered by 15 northern California counties for indigent tuberculosis patients.  Those that died at the Sanatorium and had no other means of burial were interred here.  It was essentially a Potter’s Filed and instead of traditional tombstones, each grave was assigned a number and marked by a piece of 2x6 wood...”

Records for each patient translated names to numbers and vice-versa.  I’ll have to ask my brother-in-law Bill Harvey (our personal family genealogist) if this marker belongs to THE Harvey Family.
Oregon Grape
Close-up Oregon Grape

Sierra Nevada Pea

Giant Trillium

Roundleaf Trillium

Corby, Margie, Marilyn, Audrey

Watch out for wild things... Manzanita "sign tree"

Close up of the beautiful Manzanita...

Each marker is the same size...

Except in the other part of the cemetery


  1. Hiking in 60º conditions sounds so much better than hiking in 85º+ or even geocaching in 85º! You'll have to check my cemetery post mid-week. Enjoyed seeing the green plants.

  2. Hi Coleen,
    We've had off and on rain for 2 days, the grass (weeds) are growing like mad...we saw 10 deer yesterday, plus wild turkeys, a mom quail and 5 babies. Off on another hike tomorrow. Hope to see waterfalls and wildflowers. More later.
