Monday, October 6, 2014


We were scheduled to leave for our AZ winter 2014/15 on Oct 4, but Thursday morning (Oct 2) I said to Don, I could be ready today - shall we head out tomorrow instead of the next day?
So Friday morning we got up early, drove over Donner Summit, thru Reno NV, Hawthorne NV and on the way to Tonopah NV  decided to revisit Candelaria an old Silver Mining area just off of Hwy 95S, 151 miles south of Fallon NV  

Since we took this same route to AZ in August we decided this side trip was in order… we had been to Candelaria before, in about 1974, with Don’s folks, our son and daughter Eric & Kristine and nephew Wes Harvey.  One fond memory, the guys (except Don’s Dad), went into one of the abandoned mine shafts, with our Dalmatian, Bandit, who kept running ahead.  Don decided to turn off the flashlights and Bandit quickly returned and stuck like glue the rest of the way.  Enjoy the sights we “saw” this time, and remember, no mine shafts for this woman!!!
East of Reno NV along I-80

shows great diversity.

Fallon NV Naval Air Station - "The Worlds Best Naval Air
Training Base".

Following an 18 wheeler made us smile... Serta Mattress truck
with dancing sheep to count...

Torrential rains 10 days earlier "greened up" much of Nevada

and "termination dust" as they say in AK, dusted the high peaks.

Don strikes Silver - Geocache 24000 as we turned
of to revisit Candelaria which was the largest town
in the immediate area back in 1880's and the Northern
Belle's "cache" was over $7,000,000 mostly in silver
starting in 1864!!!

The creative Great Seal of NV tells the story - love it.

A few great building are still partially standing

and we are always amazed by the skilled craftsmen
who were also miners and shopkeepers.

We parked the Hyundai near the place we parked our
Chevy Pickup and Chinook Camper some 40+ years ago.

Mining tailings tell the story of the area.
I choose to walk back to the old buildings as
Don drove,

so I could capture foundations and creative rock walls,

not to mention miner's cabins

and other remains of by-gone establishments.

The back of the Wells Fargo Bldg showed us

the devastation that mother nature can cause even on a
well-constructed bank building.

Don holds up the front (check the width of those walls),
and the iron doors.

I enjoy a more relaxing activity - afternoon wine!!!

and Demise remind us of brave soles.

Our navigation system guides us out of the area
and tells us everything we need to know

to find our way to Tonopah Station - a great place to
stay and eat, if you're in the area.  Tonopah NV is a historic
gold mining town.

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