Sunday, December 22, 2013

CCC - Coleen, Chihuly and Cactus

Good friend Coleen and I attended the Chihuly Glass Exhibit, among the Cactus, at the Desert Botanical Gardens in Phoenix on Dec 5... and I’m just getting around to posting because I’m having too much fun playing around every day.  Coleen got her’s posted on Dec 8 even tho she had taken more photos than I!!!   Coleen 197 - Nancy 193.  And, she's just as busy as I am, but stays up later!!!  You can see what happens when you allow  two photographer friends to wander aimlessly around a fabulous event together!!!  And, this was our second time, as we had seen Chihuly’s prior exhibit in about 2009.   We had a great day while husbands Curt and Don had just as much fun geocaching.  We met at the car in the late afternoon and enjoyed a fabulous dinner on the way home.  
As you enjoy the pictures, think about the transportation and installation of all this hand blown glass as well as picking just the right spot for each “piece” within this fabulous 140 acre site.




Close up - dripping with sunshine

Beluga's  a small white toothed whale...

A Crested Saguaro Skeleton  - the real thing
not glass!!!  End of a perfect day...

1 comment:

  1. Your last photo is fabulous! The right spot at the right time. WOW. I have more to post as I had trouble finding just the right ones. It was a great day. Thanks for the suggestion. Now we will have to go at night...
